الأحد، 1 أغسطس 2010

مكتب جوجل مقابل مكتب (أيهما أفضل؟)

مكتب جوجل مقابل مكتب الفيس بوك أيهما أفضل ؟؟؟
Google office designGoogle office design
فى أى من الشركتين تفضل العمل جوجل أم فيس بوك
هذه بعض الصور التى تساعدك على اختيار البيئة المحيطة بك فى العمل
وهى صور لبعض المكاتب فى الشركتين
مكاتب جوجل
Google office design 
Google office design
Google office design
Google office design
Google office design
Google office design
Google office design
مكاتب الفيس بوك
facebook office design
facebook office design
facebook office design
facebook office design
facebook office design
facebook office design

Which giant would you prefer to work for: Google or Facebook?
It might be a question of personal preference. You can’t help but love one company’s work more than another, which leads to desire to work for them. Aside from that, you could use some objective measurements in choosing between the two.
This might help you. We give you a chance to have a sneak view at the offices from both Google and Facebook. You’ll find that both are design great, to enhance the productivity of their workers. Absolutely no trace of standard office cubicles.

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